Prayer For A Relationship With A Specific Person: How To Connect With The Person You Desire

Prayer For A Relationship With A Specific Person: How To Connect With The Person You Desire

Do you want to have a closer relationship with the person you desire? Whether you know them well or not, prayer can help connect you with that person. In this blog post, I will discuss how to pray for a relationship with a specific person and what to expect from the process. I will also…

What Does The Bible Say About Disowning Family Members? Surprising Biblical Advice on Cutting Ties With Loved Ones

What Does The Bible Say About Disowning Family Members? Surprising Biblical Advice on Cutting Ties With Loved Ones

The Bible is often seen as a source of moral guidance, and it does offer some pretty clear instructions on how to behave. But what about when the Bible seems to suggest doing something that goes against our intuition or feelings? That’s what we’re exploring in this blog post – specifically, what does the Bible…

15 Christian Relationship Tips That Will Transform Your Love Life

15 Christian Relationship Tips That Will Transform Your Love Life

Christian relationships are based on love, mutual respect, and a shared belief in Jesus Christ. As you look for a partner, keep these things in mind and look for someone who shares your values. Whether you’re on the dating scene or already in a committed relationship, some key principles can help you make wise decisions,…

How To Deal With Jealousy In A Christian Relationship

How To Deal With Jealousy In A Christian Relationship

Christian relationships are based on love, trust, and faith. However, jealousy can sometimes creep into even the strongest of relationships. If you find yourself feeling jealous of your partner, it is important to take a step back and examine your motivation. Are you feeling insecure in the relationship? Do you feel like your partner is…