25 Warm Bible Verses About Love Thy Neighbor

There are so many things to love about the Bible. It is full of wisdom, guidance, and instruction for Christians on how to live a good life. But one of the best things about the Bible is its message of love.
What would the world be like without love? There’s something about love that just makes people happy – it’s like a ray of sunshine amid all the chaos. And according to the Bible, one of the most important things we can do is to love our neighbor. These 25 warm Bible verses about love thy neighbor will remind you just how much God loves us, and how we should love others in return.
Let these scriptures fill your heart with warmth and happiness, and inspire you to reach out in love to those around you. After all, that’s what Jesus would want!
1. 1 John 4:20-21
“If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (ESV)
1 John 4:20-21 tells us that we cannot love God without also loving our neighbor. God calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves, and this includes everyone, even those who are difficult to love.
2. Leviticus 19:18
“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.” (NIV)
Leviticus 19:18 tells us that we are to love our neighbor, even if they have wronged us. We are not to seek revenge against them, but instead, show them love and forgiveness.
3. Mark 12:31
“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” (NIV)
Jesus here is teaching us that the greatest commandment is to love our neighbor. This is because when we love our neighbor, we are loving God. God is love, and when we love others, we are reflecting His love back to Him.
4. 1 Corinthians 10:24
“No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.” (NIV)
This verse teaches us that we should not seek our own good, but the good of others. We should always be looking out for the best interests of others, and not just ourselves. We should try to help others, even if it is not easy. By helping others we are not only following God’s commandment but also showing the love of God.
5. Matthew 22:36-40
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (ESV)
Jesus is teaches us that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. And also to love our neighbor as ourselves. If we want to follow God’s commands, then we must not only love Him but also love our neighbor.
6. Romans 13:10
“ Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.” (NLT)
Romans 13:10 tells us that love can do no wrong. When we love our neighbor, we are following God’s commands. We should always strive to act in love towards those around us, and in doing so we will be obedient to God.
7. 1 John 4:11
“ Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.” (NLT)
1 John 4:11 tells us that if God loved us, then we should also love one another. We should follow His example and show love to those around us.

8. John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (ESV)
This verse tells us that God loved us so much that He gave His only Son for us. If we believe in Jesus, we will have eternal life. We should always remember how much God loves us, and show that love to others.
9. Matthew 22:37-40
“And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (ESV)
One of the greatest commands that God has given us is to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. And He didn’t stop there! He also commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves.
This is such an important command because it shows us that we are to put others before ourselves. We are to love others the way that we want to be loved. This is what God has called us to do and it is such an important part of who we are as Christians. We are called to love others, even if they don’t love us back. We are called to love others, even if they don’t deserve it.
10. Matthew 7:12
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (ESV)
Matthew 7:12 teaches us that we should always think of others and not just ourselves. We should love others as we love ourselves. This is what God desires for us, and it is also the foundation of all His commands.
11. 1 Corinthians 16:14
“Let all that you do be done in love.” (ESV)
This verse tells us that everything we do should be done in love. We should never do anything out of hatred or selfishness. We should always try to show love to others, even if it is not easy. Because that is what God has called us to do.
12. 1 John 4:18
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (NIV)
The idea of “perfect love” can be a bit daunting. It’s easy to love people when they’re being loving in return, but what about when they’re not? What about when they hurt us, or disappoint us?
The truth is, perfect love isn’t something that we can achieve on our own. It’s something that only God can give us. And when we receive His perfect love, it casts out all fear.
Why? Because fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. If we’re perfect in love, then we don’t need to worry about being punished for our mistakes. We can rest assured that God loves us no matter what.
13. 1 John 3:18
“ Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” (NIV)
This verse teaches us that love is more than just an emotion or a feeling. Love is something that you do. It’s an action. It’s not just words.
When we love others, we show them care and compassion. We go out of our way to help them, even if it means sacrificing our own time or resources. We put their needs above our own.
14. Galatians 5:14
“For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”” (NLT)
Galatians 5:14 teaches us to others the same way we love ourselves. We are to love others the way that we want to be loved. God wants us to love others with the same love that He has for us.
15. Luke 10:27
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (ESV)
Luke 10:27 teaches us that we should love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. God should be the center of our lives. We should also love our neighbor as ourselves. This means that we should take care of others, just as we would take care of ourselves.
16. Matthew 19:19
“Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.” (NLT)
Matthew 19:19 teaches us to honor our parents and to love our neighbors. We should respect our parents and take care of them as they get older. We should also love others, even if they are not like us. We should treat them the way we want to be treated.
17. James 2:8
“If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.” (NIV)
This verse tells us that if we love our neighbors, we are doing well. We should not just act out of self-interest, but be selfless and take care of others as well.
18. John 15:13
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (NIV)
This is one of the most well-known verses about love. It teaches us that love is selfless. It’s not just about what we can get from others, but what we can give to them. When we love others, we are willing to sacrifice our own needs for their sake.
19. Romans 13:9
“For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (ESV)
This verse tells us that so many commandments can be summed up in just one, to love our neighbor as ourselves. It doesn’t matter what rule we are breaking, if we are violating this commandment then we are failing. We should always try to treat others the way we want to be treated.

20. 1 John 4:19
“We love because he first loved us.” (ESV)
This verse tells us that we love because God first loved us. His love is the source of our love. We can never fully understand the power of His love, but it’s something that we can receive and give to others.
21. Luke 10:27
“And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”” (ESV)
This verse tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. Then we can truly love our neighbor as ourselves. When we love God first, it’s easier to love others. His love gives us the strength to love even those who are hard to love.
22. Matthew 5:43
“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy.” (NLT)
This verse is from the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus is teaching His disciples how they should live. He tells them that they have heard that they should love their neighbor and hate their enemy. But He goes on to say that they should love their enemies as well. This is because when we love and pray for our enemies, we are showing them the love of Christ. And when we do that, we are fulfilling the law.
23. Romans 15:2
“We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.” (NLT)
This verse tells us that we should try to please others, even if it is not what we want to do. We should do things that will build them up and make them better people. This is how we can truly love our neighbor as ourselves.
24. John 13:34
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” (ESV)
Jesus showed us what true selfless love is by dying for our sins. We should try to follow His example and love others the way He loved us.
25. Romans 13:8
“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” (NIV)
This verse tells us that we should love each other and not owe anyone anything. We should try to be selfless and give without expecting something in return. When we give love we should not expect anything in return. We should do it because that is what God has called us to do.
These verses about love show us that true love is selfless. It’s not just about what we can get from others, but what we can give to them. When we love others, we are willing to sacrifice our own needs for their sake. We should always try to put others first and treat them the way we want to be treated.
We should try to show the love of Christ to others, even if they don’t deserve it. Because that is how God loves us. If we can do this, then we will be fulfilling a very important commandment. And we will be showing the love of Christ to a world that desperately needs it.