10 Daily Things You Can Do To Grow Closer To God

Christians are called to live a life that is pleasing to God. This means living according to His Word and doing things that will glorify Him. While there are many things that you can do every day to please God, here are ten things that should be a part of every Christian’s daily routine.
1. Pray
Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life. It is how we communicate with God, seek His guidance, and express our thanksgiving and praise. Prayer is a way to God’s heart. It enables us to pour out our hearts to Him and to receive His wisdom, comfort, and strength. Prayer is one of the most powerful things we can do each day.
When we pray, we are aligning our hearts with God’s will and inviting Him into our lives in a very real way. God hears our prayers and He answers them according to His perfect will. Prayer is an essential part of the Christian walk, and it is something that we should all be doing every day.
“Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.” Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)
2. Read The Bible
Christians believe that God is the author of the Bible and that it is His Word to us. Reading the Bible is how we learn about God and His will for our lives. It is also a source of encouragement and comfort, as it contains stories of God’s faithfulness to His people.
The Bible can be applied to our daily lives, helping us to make decisions that are in line with God’s will. When we read the Bible, we are spending time in God’s presence, getting to know Him better. This is an important part of our relationship with God, and it is something that we should make time for every day, even if it is just for a few minutes.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)
3. Worship
One way to please God every day is to worship Him. This can be done through singing, listening to Christian music, or attending a worship service at church. Worship is a way of exalting God and showing Him that He is the most important thing in our lives.
When we take the time to worship God, we are reminding ourselves that He is the center of our universe and that we need Him in our lives. When we make worship a part of our daily routine, we are setting aside time to focus on God and to grow closer to Him.
As we grow closer to God, we will find that our lives are more fulfilled and that we have a deeper relationship with Him.
“Come, let us worship and bow down. let us kneel before the Lord, our maker” Psalm 95:6 (NLT)

4. Witness
Christians are called to witness for Christ every day, in both their words and actions. In doing so, they help lead lost souls to a saving knowledge of God. Christians can also live their lives in such a way that others will see God in them and be drawn to Him.
Either way, Christians need to remember that they are never alone in their journey; God is always with them, guiding them every step of the way.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (ESV)
5. Serve
God created us to love and serve one another. When we do acts of service, we are fulfilling God’s plan for our lives. It pleases God when we serve others because it shows that we are living according to His will.
There are many ways to serve others, such as volunteering at a local church or nonprofit organization, helping a neighbor, or giving to those in need. When we serve others, we are showing the love of Christ to them and making a difference in their lives.
God blesses those who live their lives in service to others, and He will use us to make a difference in the world if we let Him.
“For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13 (NLT)
6. Spend Time With Other Christians
God calls us to spend time with other believers for many reasons. It helps us to stay focused on Christ and to encourage one another in our faith. It also allows us to build relationships with other Christians who can help support and pray for us.
God desires for us to have close relationships with other believers because we need each other. We were not meant to do life alone, and the Christian community provides a great opportunity for us to grow in our faith and to walk alongside each other as we journey through this life.
“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” Acts 20:28 (NIV)

7. Give Thanks
Thankfulness is an important part of the Christian walk. It shows that we trust God and His plan for our lives, even when times are tough. God is always faithful, even when we’re not. He loves us unconditionally and He wants what’s best for us.
When we give thanks, even amid difficulties, we’re showing our faith in God and His goodness. Thankfulness is a way of life for Christians. It’s an expression of our trust in God and His sovereignty. Thankfulness is also a reminder to focus on the good things in our lives, even during difficult times.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)
8. Obey God’s Commands
God is our creator and He deserves our obedience. When we obey God, we are living according to His Word. This means that we are doing things that He has called us to do. We are showing Him that we love and trust Him.
Obedience is not always easy, but it is always worth it. God blesses those who obey Him. He gives them wisdom, strength, and peace. He also gives them a deep satisfaction that comes from knowing that they are pleasing God. So, the next time you are faced with a difficult decision, remember that God is worthy of your obedience.
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15 (ESV)
9. Love Others
God is love. It’s one of the defining characteristics of who He is. And because we are made in His image, love is also a defining characteristic of who we are meant to be. As Christians, we are called to love God and love others. This isn’t always easy. Sometimes the people who are easiest to love are also the people who are most like us. They share our values and beliefs, so it’s natural for us to feel a bond with them.
But Christ calls us to love everyone, even those who are difficult to love. Those who are different from us, those who hold different values and beliefs. It can be tough to reach out in love to those who seem so different from us. But Christ himself was crucified for His love for us, and so we know that showing love is always worth it. When we choose to love others, we are reflecting the love of Christ to them, and that is always a good thing.
“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8 (NIV)
10. Spend Time With God
God is the most important relationship we will ever have. Just as we need time with our human friends and family to nurture those relationships, we need time with God to nurture our relationship with Him. Spending time with God doesn’t always mean reading the Bible or praying; sometimes it can be as simple as spending time in His presence.
When we take time out of our busy schedules to connect with God, we are building our relationship with Him and getting to know Him better. As we get to know God better, we begin to understand His will for our lives and how we can please Him. When we please God, we are living in accordance with His plan for our lives and bringing glory to His name.
“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” Ephesians 2:8 (NLT)
In conclusion, there are many different things that Christians can do to grow in their faith. These include spending time with God, obeying His commands, loving others, and giving thanks. All of these things are important in order to have a strong relationship with God.
Christians who take the time to grow in their faith will find that their relationship with God will become stronger and more fulfilling. Those who neglect to do these things will find that their relationship with God will suffer.
As Christians, it is important to remember that our relationship with God is the most important thing in our lives. We should strive to do everything we can to grow in our faith so that we can have a close, personal relationship with Him.